


This vibrant LGBTQ+ event brings singles together for a night of fun, laughter, and potential love connections. Imagine eligible singles hidden behind a white curtain, sharing intriguing facts about themselves. Your task? Decide if you want to be their Secret Admirer and win a date with the mystery single!

How it works:

Get Ready for Showtime:
- Arrive at Bowlero Lanes & Lounge before 8PM to check in, grab a drink, and secure a seat.
- If you’re feeling “fiesty”, purchase love letters to send to Mystery Suitors secretly or buy heart tokens and give it out to your favorite Mystery Suitor.

The Show Begins:
- We'll bring out our first Mystery Suitor. With our hilarious panel of Cupids, we'll spend some time getting to know the Mystery Suitor through fun and engaging questions.

Audience Participation:
- After the introduction, we'll take it to the audience to see who wants to be the Mystery Suitor's Secret Admirer. If you're interested, simply raise your hand. One of our Cupids will come to you for a brief introduction, where you can share who you are, what you're looking for in a partner, and ask the mystery single a question.

The Big Reveal:
- Once all Secret Admirers have shared, the Mystery Suitor will choose their best match.
-The chosen Secret Admirer will come on stage, and we'll finally reveal the Mystery Suitor behind the curtain.
- The new couple will sit at a reserved table for the remainder of the show to get to know each other better.

Rinse and Repeat:
- We'll move on to the next mystery eligible single and repeat the process until the show concludes.

Stay Back for a Mix & Mingle

Meet Your Love Interests

Govt. Name: Chris; but rarely goes by that.
Gender Identity: Man
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Decade They Resonate Best With: 2000s with a 70s twist. Think colors and patterns!
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Red Flags: People Pleaser & Instigator - “I’m the little devil on your shoulder convincing ya to do it. As they say, do it for the plot”
Beige Flags: Not a Planner, Bad “Poker Face”, & Ever Changing Schedules
Green Flags: Thoughtful Gift Giver, Go with the Flow Attitude, Extremely Loyal, & Kind and Caring
Unique Thing: If the Tea is Good, His Tear Ducts are Flowing
Interested in Multiple Partners: Nope.

NickName: Vydellbaby
Gender Identity: Woman, Female
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Decade They Resonate Best With: 2000s
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Red Flags: Give a lot of Themselves, “I am confident in whats mine is mine”, Momma’s Girl
Beige Flags: Prefers to Plan Ahead, Works a lot, Shy, Homebody
Green Flags: Goal Oriented, Loyal, Honest, Trustworthy, Does Not Bite Her Tongue., Not Promiscuous.
Unique Thing: Hopeless Romantic “I love ❤️😍” Blends well with any crowds, and loves to try new things
Interested in Multiple Partners: No

NickName: Bean
Gender Identity: Non-Binary
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Decade They Resonate Best With: The 70s
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Red Flags: “I’m a bad driver”
Beige Flags: Researches Menus Beforehand
Green Flags: Great Listener
Unique Thing: Vegan for Over a Decade
Interested in Multiple Partners: Yes (Dating)